Friday, January 22, 2010

For my device i've chosen the most obvious and most vulnerable route of infiltration, that being the face. Namely, the nostrils and mouth. H1N1, like any other type of influenza, is mostly contracted via the respiratory system. When
someone coughs or sneezes, tiny droplets spray everywhere,often infecting people it comes into contact with.

I show these two images because my design will be a compromise between the two. Since it is to be worn at a formal ball, it has to be as compact and discrete as possible. No filtration system will be necessary, simply something to shield infected particles away from the user.
My design will be more in-depth than a simple carpenter's mask, but i also want to avoid a design as garish and loud as a Venetian Carnivale mask. But the desire to be aesthetically pleasing will remain there.

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